Best price around town. For sure you can't find any cheaper priced gas then here. You must be. a Costco Member. Long lines are a sure thing. What can you expect you can't have it all. (Fast and Cheap) No!
Always lowest price
Love it
Attendants are always very helpful, constantly walking around asking if you need assistance
Requires membership to use this station
Pretty nice and awesome people and nice
Can't beat the price
This Costco gas just expanded the number of pumps so it is much easier to get in and out before shopping at Costco. My fav gas station.
Costco just remodeled this station. There are now 4 pumps in each lane, so lines move faster. The lights above each lane indicate open spots.
California has the highest gas tax in the country because of California democrats. vote them out!
California has the highest gas tax in the country because of California democrats. Vote them out!
Easy in but difficult to get out at times.
The cheapest shell price all the time
station could definitely be better. The location is also pretty bad with its set up. Can be a real pain to get out of it