Fuel App GasBuddy 'Pumps' to 100,000 Users in Australia in First Month

April 7, 2016

SYDNEY, Australia (APRIL 7, 2016) - GasBuddy, the leading fuel app that helps consumers save money at the pump, today announced it has 100,000 users in Australia after launching just a month ago in the country. Additionally, GasBuddy has accumulated more than 525,000 user-submitted fuel price updates, which 12 price reports per minute.

In the month of March, each of the 6,068 petrol stations listed on the GasBuddy Australia app received on average 3-4 price reports from users per day, making GasBuddy the provider of the most real-time and accurate retail fuel pricing information. 

"The tremendous amount of users and activity in just one-month's time shows the value GasBuddy brings," said Nic Moulis, country manager of GasBuddy Australia. "We have made it possible for everyone to be a part of the pricing conversation. GasBuddy provides greater transparency and has helped consumers make smarter purchasing decisions. We are excited to continue serving Australia and help drivers save heaps on petrol."

Additionally, given the amount of data collected, GasBuddy will now be able to share petrol price reports with media outlets and other organizations. Some noteworthy March statistics based on the half million price data received by GasBuddy:

  • The national average price for a litre of unleaded was 111.19c
  • The most expensive day was March 19, 114.28c per litre of unleaded
  • The cheapest day was March 31 at 106.31c per litre of unleaded
  • The monthly average price for litre of unleaded in Launceston was 117.59c, making it the most expensive metro market in Australia; Newcastle had cheapest average at 103.68c
  • Sydney saw the widest price variation with a "spread" of 32.7c per litre of unleaded

Click here for the full infographic with charts.

To date, GasBuddy has awarded $3,200 worth of free fuel to members across the country through the daily drawing. GasBuddy will be launching new features, such as "Challenges," in the coming months