Despite having signs to please you other pumps as diesel is only available at 2 sides of the first pumps, gas cars slwYs block them. This has been brought up to management. They care less. As long as they are selling fuel they could care less. When suggestions were offered, even on paper, no changes were made. Is it that hard for a car to drive 15 more feet??!!!!
Yuk seriously, Mickey Mart's one of the worst station
Easy in/out, this gas station is conveniently located on a corner.
has 90 octane non ethanol
Nice place, nice clerks
Gas, coffee,& donuts in one stop. What more do you need?
Had trouble at pump and attendant came out to help in the rain before we had a chance to go in. Nice service!
Could use a refurbish
I never go inside!
Great service, hot food,coffee!