Brand New Station and they have REC. GAS that is the good part. The Bad part is the rec. gas is on the inside pumps not on the ends or where the diesel is. The pumps are very close to the barrier wall along the front and the front of the store making it impossible for most boat trailers and trailers to access the REC. Gas pumps. POOR PLANNING!!!
no way anybody can install a skimmer. Numerous safeguards. Top Tier gas with extra detergent. Save4% if you use your Costco Visa card. $2.10x4% is $.084 less a gallon. Fillup with 15 gallons and save $12.60 on a 15 gallon fillup!
Nice station
One of my favorite gas stations. The attendentants are always friendly, they have tons of drink options, and they have a good little comfort food pizzeria in there.
This Speedway is the best one ever
Best gas prices in Fowlerville.
Nice station
NOW has E-85 fuel!
Lots of competing entries & exits - can get pretty busy