-continuing - the walls were covered with cartoons made with human waste.
The cashier was slumped over the counter drunk? I loaded up on hot dogs, pizza and soda and left.
They sell Carroll Island Corn Likker ×which is quite good. I was blind for 3 days.
When the cashier refused my CrassBuddy card I made them eat it.
The air being broken, everyone was dead.
It was late at night. They tried to knock me out and steal my car but I shot 2 of them and got away.
You can fly in and taxi over to refuel your jet at the jet fuel pump.
It was very early morning, but there was an oblong spaceship there and the aliens were filling up at the pump. I kept on going.
The fried duck special made me take flight. It was quazy bad.
No amenities found.
The prison convicts they employ who are on work release are friendly.