Have a heck of a time using gasbuddy premium account here! Usually declines purchase where the business bank account Always has a good for instant purchases as long as you get theu all the security which I setup so my cards work great buy really loosing money with Gasbuddy!!!
Nice station
Could not use GasBuddy card here even though a 5 cent credit was supossed to be activated on the app, pump would say card not accepted here.
I love Wal-Mart and I'm happy that I can get my shopping done and fill up my tank all in the same place.
Intersection is a busy one tough to get in and out depending on direction of travel but it's a decent station
THIEVES ! THIEVES! THIEVES! Check the gas price at the pump. Extremely misleading.
Always a friendly person behind the counter :)
Great employees and service. Limited hours of operation is my only complaint.
THE OWNER OF MAVERICKS IS REPORTING WRONG PRICES TO ATTRACT CUSTOMERS! it is CURRENTLY 2.99 for Regular but the owner keeps reporting 2.95
New gas station. Sells NON ethanol, a must use in all small engines.