When you are a member and use their credit card you receive a ten cent savings on each gallon of fuel. Also when you buy any of their specials in the warehouse BEFORE you purchase your fuel you receive an additional savings of 25 cents off each gallon of fuel.
Easy to use, no frills gas station with the best prices around!
Cheapest gas around - same price as Costco!
Ok for a Patel owned station.
Always a great experience
Well lit great staff very clean
BEST GAS PRICESSSS!!!! everytime i go the prices are way lower than everywhere else
didn't need gas but I saw the organization. attendant direct the traffic to the pumps. great idea. caused more traffic back up on Lee Blvd but it needs to happen in this situation. great job wish all stations would do it
Price was about .30 more than advertised and discounted less than 25c