Members only. No cash accepted. Credit card, debit card, or gift card only. If you only have cash you must go inside and purchase a gift card. Sometimes they run a promotion where purchasing something in the store beforehand reduces the price for you at the pump. If you take advantage of this the discount persists all day and even at other locations with no additional merchandise purchase necessary.
Membership for gas is required. No bathrooms outside but of corse in the store
Nice clean station and the price is lower than anyone elses. Win-Win
Same price for cash or credit. Often is the cheapest gas in Groton.
Attendant was very helpful and attentive to me. Spent time with me and showed me many alternatives to make sure I was getting the best item at the best price to keep me as a happy customer. Which I was and am.
Cash and Debit price are the same. Good enough for me
Always prompt, friendly service