Best prices Credit price same as cash price
Getting in to the station is a nightmare
Best station in Tustin. Cheaper than the ampm on red hill by 15-20 cents and they take credit card. And safer than speeeed gas. I have had my credit info stolen by those shady guys at speeed gas.
Stopped here today looking for a restroom while on the road, and as it turned out, this gas station has one of the cleanest gas station restrooms I have ever visited! Good selection of snacks and drinks, too. And both of the staff members I met were wonderfully professional and polite. Will definitely return to this Arco/AMPM any time I am in the area.
Don't belive the prices. Go somewhere else. Problems with wildly incorrect prices here for months. Count on the real costs to be at least 40 cents a gallon more.
The gas price is always shown lower than it really is. I believe the owner of the station changes it to attract more customers. I'm going to report this as I'm sure there is a legal no no happening.
No attendant to help, lots of homeless people panhandling and will walk right up to you with no mask! If you are a girl/woman by yourself be careful at this gas station. Cheap prices but not the safest at all!
Near train station